[Lindsey Wasson / The Associated Press]
[Lindsey Wasson / The Associated Press]

The Seahawks Need To Solve This Problem

The Seattle Seahawks had some great moments during the Pete Carrol era. I mean we are talking about the only era of Seahawks football that has delivered us a Super Bowl. But there was one glaring thing that always seemed to rear its ugly head was pointless penalties. And well, I guess it’s true the Seahawks committed a whole lot of penalties during the Pete Carrol era. So much so that there was only one team that had more penalties than the Seahawks. Take a look at the chart yourself. 

Overall, this is a problem I think Mike MacDonald and company can fix. Being aggressive on defense was a big part of our success but just cleaning up some of the bad penalties will surely help the Seahawks during this new era and new phase of Seahawks football. 

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